DOI: 10.7763/IJCCE.2013.V2.134
FCM Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Color Space and Spatial Information
Abstract—This paper proposed a fuzzy C-means clustering (FCM) algorithm which based on color space and spatial information. First, the color histogram is applied to fuzzy clustering algorithm, to determine the initial number of clusters and initial cluster centers of fuzzy clustering. Then bringing spatial information into FCM, to reconstruct the new objective function contains neighborhood information. Finally achieve the image segmentation, evaluate and compare the algorithm. The experimental results show: this algorithm has a high quality and effect on image segmentation, and has a stronger anti-nose ability.
Index Terms—Fuzzy clustering, color space, spatial information, image segmentation
The authorsarewith the Lan Zhou University of Technology, Lan Zhou,China(e-mail:
Cite: Zhengjian Ding, Jin Sun, and Yang Zhang, "FCM Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Color Space and Spatial Information," International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 48-51 , 2013.
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