DOI: 10.7763/IJCCE.2013.V2.128
Research of an Improved Apriori Algorithm in Data Mining Association Rules
Abstract—Apriori algorithm is the classic algorithm of association rules, which enumerate all of the frequent item sets. When this algorithm encountered dense data due to the large number of long patterns emerge, this algorithm's performance declined dramatically. In order to find more valuable rules, this paper proposes an improved algorithm of association rules, the classical Apriori algorithm. Finally, the improved algorithm is verified, the results show that the improved algorithm is reasonable and effective, can extract more value information.
Index Terms—Association rules apriori algorithm frequentitem.
The author is with the Shandong Yingcai University Jinan China (
Cite: Jiao Yabing, "Research of an Improved Apriori Algorithm in Data Mining Association Rules," International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 25-27 , 2013.
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